Creative Q&A: My Journey, Overcoming Challenges, and Women in Leadership



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We spoke with Natalie, our creative manager. We discussed her career journey, her challenges, and her advice for future women in leadership.

Can you tell us a bit about your career journey and how you became a leader in the advertising industry?

My career journey has been led by my determination and passion to get to where I am today. I was lucky enough to step into agency life straight after university. Being taught by my mentors, I knew I’d want to step into a similar role in the future. One of the most rewarding parts of my job is teaching upcoming designers everything I know to help them reach their career goals. Seeing them flourish is so gratifying.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a woman in a leadership role in advertising?

The most complex challenge is often finding strong women leaders to surround yourself with. One of the factors that attracted me to join One Agency was seeing women in high-level positions. This undoubtedly impacts the view of where your career will go. My interviews were carried out by three inspiring women in leadership positions. This showed that I could progress and shape my career path to be where I desired through learning about their own journeys. Fast forward to today, five years on, two promotions later, and I am the leader of my own design team. I couldn’t be prouder.

What advice would you give to other women in the industry? 

Find a team or company that values diversity. Look for a company that values women in high-level positions and creates opportunities for others. Have confidence in your abilities and believe that you have what it takes. Self-belief is critical to overcoming challenges and achieving your goals.

Can you share a success story or a proud moment from your career that particularly stands out to you?

My proudest moment is building up our Creative Department to what it is today alongside our Creative Director, Olly. When I joined One Agency five years ago, we were a design team of two brought in to provide creative support for the media team. Our Creative Department was built three years ago and is now a strong team of 15 working on some of the beauty industry’s biggest brands—and we’re still growing!

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