


Web Design

Web Development

Scare City Experience | Web


After the success of the previous Scare City Experience in 2022, the last thing we wanted to do was sit still and get complacent in 2023. With this in mind, we took the view that the site had become outdated, static, and too text based. To craft a site that really showcased this unique event, we needed to make a whole new site that would capture the user’s attention and keep it. This challenge also included providing a better booking experience for customers, and a more effective delivery of key information on the site.


For the overall aesthetic, we continued with the established blood splatter look, as we felt that it was a strong visual representation of the experience. A key upgrade came in the form of a terrifying teaser video, which we produced and added to the site as the first thing any user sees. Further imagery was developed to show off incredible moments from the event, as well as the terrifying actors and their costumes. All of this was complemented by new copy to build out the world of the event through extended lore, as well as ticket information, FAQs, and terms & conditions.

Finally, after trying out several integrated and external booking systems, we opted to build our own from scratch. This enables us to completely run and manage our own event with full control and flexibility.


Ultimately, the changes we made on the website attracted more users, made them stay for longer, and helped them navigate and book tickets. This contributed massively towards our biggest ticket sales yet, with the experience selling 34,297 in 2023.

tickets sold


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